4 openings

You have searched for Jobs in gilgit. Open job positions in gilgit are (4). View all jobs

Mercy Corps Mercy Corps

Location: - - - -

Industry: - Development Sector Full Time -

Rs - Salary.

Mercy Corps

Last date to apply: 2024-10-26

Date Posted: 2024-09-19

For detail job description please find below link

Associates in Development (AiD) Pvt. Ltd Associates in Development (AiD) Pvt. Ltd

Location: - - - -

Industry: - Consultancy Consultant -

Rs - Salary.

Last date to apply: 2024-09-22

Date Posted: 2024-09-19

About AiD Associates in Development (AiD) Pvt. Ltd. is an international consulting organization with its Head Office in Islamabad, Pakistan and affiliated office in the US. Established in 1992, the firm provides development and management consulting services in the areas of 1) Engineering and Infra ....

CARE International in Pakistan CARE International in Pakistan

Location: - - - -

Industry: - Development Sector Contractual -

Rs - Salary.

CARE International in Pakistan

Last date to apply: 2024-09-24

Date Posted: 2024-09-13

CARE is a leading global humanitarian and development organization. Since its establishment in 2005, CARE Pakistan (CP) has been responding to major disasters and undertaking an array of development projects. CP works through its local partners and a range of stakeholders for development, as well as ....

Aga Khan Health Service, Pakistan Aga Khan Health Service, Pakistan

Location: - - - -

Industry: - Healthcare Provider Full Time -

Rs - Salary.

Aga Khan Health Service, Pakistan

Last date to apply: 2024-09-22

Date Posted: 2024-09-10

Job Summary Aga Khan Health Service, Pakistan (AKHS, P) runs one of the largest not-for-profit private healthcare systems in the country, with a focus on the regions of Gilgit-Baltistan, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, and Sindh. Its core focus includes initiatives for hard-to-reach populations through ....

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