CARE International in Pakistan
Terms of Reference (ToRs) - Project Final Evaluation “WAQAR: Livelihoods and Integrated Health and WASH Service Strengthening and Support for Displaced Populations in Afghanistan and Pakistan”
CARE International in Pakistan
Posted date 13th September, 2024 Last date to apply 25th September, 2024
Category Consultancy

Pakistan is hosting one of the largest refugee populations in the world over a long period of time. Most displaced people and refugee population rely on informal work, loans, income support and aid. Economic decline, unemployment, and the COVID-19 pandemic as well as impacts of climate change in Pakistan in the form of droughts and flooding have combined to deepen food insecurity and poverty. Displaced people frequently live-in overcrowded conditions with insufficient access to water, sanitation and health facilities, particularly exacerbating the vulnerabilities of women and girls.


The 2.5-year WAQAR project aimed to provide livelihoods and integrated basic services for displaced people in Pakistan. The project objective is to enable refugees and other temporary displaced people to become productive members of their host community and participate in furthering their common resilience, socio-economic growth and development. The project is being implemented in Kohat in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Pishin in Baluchistan provinces in Pakistan. The objective, and results of the project are as under.


  1. A.      Project Objective
  • Goal: Livelihoods and Integrated Health and WASH Service strengthening and support for displaced populations in Pakistan
  • Impact: Refugees and other displaced persons are productive members of their host communities and participate in furthering their common resilience, socioeconomic growth and development.
  • Intermediate Outcome 1: Increased income generation and livelihood opportunities for displacement affected persons  
  • Intermediate Outcome 2: Increased access for displacement affected persons to integrated basic services (education, health, water, sanitation and energy)


  1. B.      Purpose and Scope of Final Evaluation

Final Evaluation - is intended to provide an objective and independent assessment of project implementation and impact, including achievement of project and lessons learned to guide or inform future interventions.

  • Specifically, the FE will assess the extent to which the planned project outcomes and outputs have been achieved, as well as assessing the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of the project as defined in the guidelines for Final Evaluations.
  • Assess the intended and unintended outcomes of the project and determine the level of the project’s contribution to these outcomes.
  • Identify practices, key lessons learned and propose practical recommendations for follow-up interventions.


  1.  Key Evaluation Questions



  1. To what extent is project design relevant and consistent with country needs, national priorities, and regional and global commitments in addressing the identified priority of displacement affected people?
  2. To what extent project outcome-level results are relevant to and consistent with the national, regional, global (as is relevant) priorities?
  3. Are project approaches, resources, models, and logical framework relevant to achieve the planned outcomes?
  4. Is the current set of indicators, both outcome and output indicators, effective in informing the progress made towards the outcomes? If not, what indicators should be used?
  5. To what extent were the LiD Thematic Outcome Indicators relevant to the project?
  6. How relevant was the LiD multi-theme approach for the project?

Detailed TORs attached.

Apply By:

 Clarity on TORs and Application Submission

In case any clarification is required on TORs, please contact the Focal person of CARE International through landline number 051-4939102 or 102.  During office working days (Monday to Friday) before 3:00 PM, September 20, 2024, or write an email to [email protected].

Eligible and interested consultants/service providers must submit their application package, including all required documents and information, via email to [email protected] with the subject line “Proposal for Project Final Evaluation WAQAR UNOPS” by or before 11:59 PM, September 25, 2024. Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered.

